The Future Of Homeworking
The working lives of thousands of us changed this March. Workers went from commuting to their workplace, to commuting to the kitchen, living room or spare room to work. Homeworking looks like a new way of working that is here to stay.
It’s well known that space is a premium in UK homes. A 2017 study showed that British families were living in some of the most cramped conditions in Europe. It also showed that UK homes have an average of 71.9 square metres, less than any other European country.
With the way the working world shifted, it was unsurprising when everyone had to navigate working comfortably. We’ve seen people working at a kitchen table, the sofa or even the floor in some circumstances.
Considering this, it comes as no surprise that thousands of workers were struggling to find an appropriate space to work where they could be comfortable.
For those who had the desirable spare room available, there was still a battle to determine who had the luxury to work from there if there was more than one homeworker living at home.
This led to a huge compromise in the way people began working. Setting up a laptop wherever there was space was the only way to get work done. It didn’t matter whether this was from the sofa, kitchen or floor – not for a short period of time that is.
As new announcements were given however, it became apparent that the UK would continue to be under lockdown restrictions. This meant that a short-term homeworking solution became much more long term.
Many businesses decided that their staff would work from home until 2021, with some considering never going back to the office at all. Following the announcement of extended homeworking, the comfort of those working from home needs serious consideration.
Further solidified by a second lockdown, it is apparent that the future of solely office based working is uncertain with many now calling for hybrid working.
The impact of prolonged homeworking
Over the past few months at VergoUK, we have seen an increase in customers reaching out to us who need assistance. Staff members are suffering from bad backs, aches and pains and musculoskeletal problems as a result of prolonged, uncomfortable homeworking.
It’s important to note that homeworking can be carried out effectively if the correct health and safety steps are followed. The Health and Safety Executive updated their legislation earlier this year as employer’s now must control the risks associated with working with display screen equipment (DSE).
Our solution
To help many companies with this, we have been delivering in-person or remote DSE Assessments. This involves our assessor reviewing an individual’s workstation to ensure they have the appropriate set-up. Our assessor will then deliver a report about the individual’s workstation. Following this, they can then make recommendations for any appropriate furniture should it be needed.
An ergonomic DSE Assessment ensures you can work comfortably and also helps to address poor posture and incorrect sitting habits. This combined means that morale is boosted, productivity increases and absenteeism is reduced as staff members are not taking days off due to musculoskeletal disorders.
We have been helping businesses for a number of years by delivering DSE Assessments. Regardless of whether you have employees working in the office or at home, we can assist.
We also have a very popular online DSE Assessment solution that can be rolled out company wide. Simply purchase one license per employee and each staff member can complete their own assessment. The online portal then flags up anybody who may be more high risk so that they can have a more in depth assessment.
If you’d like further information about our in-person, remote or online DSE Assessment solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, fill out the form below and we will be in touch.