Does Your Office Reception Need a Revamp?
‘You only get one chance to make a first impression’. It’s a cliché – but it’s true. What’s the first impression that visitors to your office receive? Try to be as unbiased as possible; is the first impression you hope they receive the same as what they actually get?
It’s easy to overlook your office reception; you walk past it every day and probably take very little notice – it’s just the reception, right? That’s the problem with familiarity; you get used to how something looks and, before long, you stop looking at it altogether; it’s just…there, comfortable and, dare we say it, ‘fine’. But (prepare yourselves, here comes another cliché) first impressions really do count and it’s time to take a long hard look at your comfortable, familiar reception and see what visitors see. Does it actively promote the values of your business? Or uninspiringly offer a few two year-old magazines and grubby seats?
Here are a couple of pointers…
- Welcoming seats = happy visitorsMake the seating/waiting area of your reception a welcoming space. Ensure that seats are inviting (consider your colour scheme), there are plenty available and, most importantly, they are clean and stable.
- Reception desk = Your chance to dazzleThink of your reception desk as a chance to dazzle visitors, welcome them and, most crucially, give them a real sense of what your business is about. Again, consider the room/area’s colour scheme and, also, decide the angle that you’d like the reception to run with; modern and trendy? Warm and inviting? Whatever the theme, ensure your desk matches it – from its shape right through to the contents that sit on top of it.
- Never underestimate the power of the humble plant…Personable accents such as plants, pictures and prints can give a reception personality, style and, most importantly, demonstrate to visitors that you are not a faceless business or organisation; you understand the importance of making an impression – and you’re going to make one…